Irontech Doll Silicone Love Doll 166cm S23 Catlin

Irontech Doll Silicone Love Doll 166cm S23 Catlin

Irontech Doll Silicone Love Doll 166cm S23 Catlin

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Irontech Doll Silicone Love Doll 166cm S23 Catlin


With Irontech Doll, you can explore the limitless possibilities of intimacy and companionship. Find your silicone love doll companion today and experience the ultimate pleasure of embracing the extraordinary world of Irontech Doll. Your journey to fulfillment begins now.

pay in interest free monthly instalments: 12 x £216.58

Custom this doll

Head Type

Hair Type


Mechanical Eyes


Skeleton Tightness

Back Hook (for hanging)



Breasts & Belly Softness

Gel breasts or belly should be protected from sagging with light coloured shapewear



Nipple Colour

Nipple Size


Vagina Colour

Vagina Texture

Suction Vagina

Implanted Pubic Hair

Copper Wire Toes


Robot Options

All Robot Options together add 15kg to the doll weight. [Oral Sex Movement] and [Electric Hip and Waist] can only be added to these TPE Female bodies at the same time: 156cm, 157cm, 158cm, 159cm, 159cm plus, 160cm minus, 161cm, 163cm, 163cm plus, 165cm,

Other Options

Change Head?

Which Head

ROS Options

Gel Buttocks

Gel ass adds 2-4kg to the doll weight. Dolls with Gel ass should not be left sitting or in an unnatural position for a long period of time. Storage hanging or in original box.

Total: £2,599.00

Silicone love doll have evolved far beyond their origins as mere adult toys. They now stand as symbols of artistry and craftsmanship, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of human connection. These exquisite creations are designed to cater to a wide range of desires and preferences, offering a unique avenue for self-expression and fulfillment.

Irontech Doll has established itself as a reputable and innovative manufacturer in the world of silicone love dolls. Their commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of their creations. Irontech Doll’s love dolls are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, from the lifelike appearance to the tactile sensations.

One of the defining features of Irontech Doll’s silicone love doll is its remarkable realism. These dolls are crafted using high-quality silicone that closely mimics the feel of human skin. The texture is soft and supple, creating a remarkably lifelike sensation. When you run your fingers over their bodies or hold them close, you’ll be astonished by the authenticity of the experience.

Silicone love doll from Irontech Doll are designed to elevate your pleasure in ways you may have never imagined. Whether you seek physical satisfaction, emotional connection, or a combination of both, these top-tier creations are equipped to fulfill your desires. With Irontech Doll’s silicone love dolls, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and satisfaction that transcends the boundaries of reality and fantasy.

Height 166cm
Skin Tone Natural
Eyes Color Grey
Full Bust 79cm
Under Bust 63cm
Waist 57cm
Hips 91cm
Weight 37kg
Arm Length 69cm
Shoulder Width 35cm
Calf Circum 36cm
Thigh Circum 54cm
Leg Length 81cm
Foot Length 21cm
Mouth Depth 12cm
Vagina Depth 18cm
Anal Depth 16cm


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