

Cloud Climax in the Press

At Cloud Climax we’re proud of being the best sex doll retailer in the UK since 2013 and are happy to talk to the press about the wide range of sex dolls and sex toy products that we stock.

Whether you want a quote or feature, we can help. Please email [email protected] or fill in the form on our contact page.

Cloud Climax sent an EX-Lite to The Sun... Here is what happened!

We sent an Ex-Lite sex doll to The Sun.

Read what happened here.

Robotic Sex Dolls EAN Interview with Cloud Climax

We talked to EANabout Robotic Technology at Cloud Climax.

Read the interview here

Sex robots in the daily star

Our robotic dolls featured in the Daily Star

Read the article here

Listen to the Cloud Climax podcast at Today FM

Cloud Climax Interview on Today FM Radio about why sex dolls are becoming more popular.

Listen to the podcast here

Cloud Climax in the EAN

The Ex-Lite featured in EAN

Read the article here

Cloud Climax featured in the Mirror

Mirror feature on the new robot sex doll heads coming to Cloud Climax

Listen to the podcast here

ETO Magazine Erotic Trade Only

UK trade magazine ETO featured Cloud Climax Sex Dolls.

Read the article here

See The Sun article about the Robotic head coming to Cloud Climax

Robotic sex dolls feature in The Sun.

Read the article here

engineering and technology feature cloud climax robot sex dolls

Engineering and Technology magazine features Cloud Climax robotic sex dolls.

Read the article here

new york post robotic sex dolls cloud climax

Cloud Climax robotic sex dolls featured in the New York Post

Read the article here

Australia news robotic sex dolls cloud climax

News Australia feature on Cloud Climax and robotic sex dolls

Read the article here

Cloud Climax Featured on South West News

SWNS feature on robotic sex doll head at Cloud Climax

Cloud Climax featured in The Daily Mail

Daily Mail article features Cloud Climax and robotic sex doll heads.

Read the article here

sctosman article robotic sex dolls cloud climax

Cloud Climax and our robotic sex dolls feature in the Scotsman

Read the article here

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