How La Gemmes Crystal Sex Toys Can Make You feel More connected with your inner self

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Cloud Climax is a luxury online adult store, in the sex doll industry since 2013. We are known for sharing our extensive Knowledge and Expertise with our followers and customers and have been nominated for adult industry awards including the XBIZ Best Doll Manufacturer 2020.

Do you want to feel more connected with your inner self?

Crystals are a great way to help you connect with the energy of Mother Earth. They can be used for spiritual healing, meditation, and relaxation. Each crystal has its own unique properties that will help you achieve your goals in life. You’ll find crystals for love, happiness, success, balance, protection…the list goes on!

  • Rose quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love because it helps us open our hearts and show compassion towards others.
  • Amethyst is an excellent tool for meditation because it enhances intuition and psychic abilities while helping us stay calm during stressful situations.
  • Clear quartz brings clarity into any situation by amplifying thoughts and intentions so they can manifest quickly into reality.
  • Obsidian provides protection from negative energies while keeping out anything that doesn’t serve our highest good.
  • Jade helps bring about positive changes in our lives by encouraging new ideas or solutions to problems we may have been struggling with previously.

These are just some of the many benefits these beautiful stones have to offer!

Perhaps you’ve already experimented with crystals but don’t know how to cleanse them or which ones to use. They can be cleaned using salt water, sunlight, moon light, and even smudging (using a white sage stick). Each one will come with its own unique properties depending on the colour of stone you choose.

Fortunately, if you’re not sure which stone will help you reach your current goal in life, the colour green will always represent “growth.”

If you are looking to grow spiritually or open yourself up more for love and compassion, I would recommend either turquoise or jade. One of turquoises properties is that it helps us balance our yin-yang energies by bringing harmony into our lives. It also enhances intuition so we can have a clear vision of what we want in every area of our lives. If you feel that love is currently eluding you (or even if it isn’t), jade is great at helping manifest relationships with others (for example, friends or romantic.

If you want to protect yourself from negative energies, obsidian is the way to go! This stone has strong purifying properties which makes it perfect for cleansing anything that isn’t serving us well (in other words, getting rid of any negativity in our lives). It can also help bring about positive changes quickly. Obsidian is another good choice if you are looking for protection because it helps shield your psychic energy (and even absorb some of what others send your way) while encouraging the production of healthy new thoughts and ideas.

Amethyst stimulates spiritual growth and enhances intuition so we can discover who we truly are as spiritual beings. Additionally, it purifies our minds and bodies by clearing away any energetic blockages so that we can receive messages more easily.

If you are looking to open your heart, expand your emotional capacity for love, and promote unconditional acceptance of yourself and others, Rose Quartz is the stone for you! It has powerful properties which encourage us to trust our intuition because it helps soften the walls around our hearts so that we can accept love easily. Is there anything better than feeling more connected with your higher self? No wonder this one’s called the stone of unconditional love!

Clear Quartz amplifies everything energetically so it’s great for achieving goals quickly because you will be concentrating all that positivity into what you want to manifest (more money, good grades on an exam, etc.). As well as helping us become more successful, it also has strong cleansing and shielding properties which makes it a good stone to use for protection from negative energy.

We chose the La Gemmes range  to feature at Cloud Climax, which includes Clear Quartz, Jade, Rose Quartz and Amethyst, because these all promote relationship building, love, unity and compassion.

Adding Crystals to your sex toy range brings a more spiritual scope to your sexual endeavours. The smooth stones and cooling temperature of them can add temperature play and texture play in too.

Becoming spiritual in the bedroom as well as in your everyday life is a natural progression for most people who already have an affinity towards spiritualism and crystals.

If you want to feel better about yourself and the world around you then we have what you need right here at our online store! Shop now and see how much better life is when you use these powerful tools. They really do work wonders on your mind and body! And they make great gifts too so don’t forget to pick up one for someone special today! Some La Gemmes products are in our Flash Sale!

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