remote-controlled sex toys

How to Upgrade Your Sex Life with Remote-Controlled Sex Toys

About Cloud Climax

Cloud Climax is a luxury online adult store, in the sex doll industry since 2013. We are known for sharing our extensive Knowledge and Expertise with our followers and customers and have been nominated for adult industry awards including the XBIZ Best Doll Manufacturer 2020.

Anyone who’s ever used an analog remote or an app to adjust the volume on their television or the settings on their favorite smart device already knows how essential remote controls are when you’re used to them. Not only are they more convenient than doing things manually, but they also often offer users more options than they’d have otherwise, and the same holds true for remote-controlled sex toys.

But what you might not be aware of is that many of your favorite sex toy options come complete with convenient remotes or app compatibility these days. That can really come in handy in some ways you might not necessarily expect.

Take the guesswork out of using toys

Whether you like to keep your toys all to yourself, use them in the bedroom with your partner, or both, handling the logistics isn’t always easy. Sometimes you have to choose between keeping a firm grip on your toy and hitting your sweet spots at just the right angle. That all changes when you have a remote-controlled sex toy.

Instead of having to keep at least one of your hands placed strategically on your toy’s manual control pad, you can simply keep the included remote or your trusty phone close at hand instead. In other words, you can focus your energy and creativity on your experience using your remote control sex toy instead of on how to manually operate your toy while you enjoy yourself.

Discreetly enjoy toys in new settings

There are ultimately two kinds of people in the world when it comes to semi-public play – those who have enjoyed a little naughty action somewhere they shouldn’t have and those who wish they had the guts to try it. With a remote-controlled sex toy in your corner, you’ve officially got many more options to consider when it comes to making your fantasies come true.

A remote-controlled sex toy that can be enjoyed without it being obvious to others is a toy that’s easy to play with anywhere, anytime, and around anyone. It can be worn or concealed underneath your clothes and then activated anytime by either yourself or your partner if you prefer. Imagine the possibilities that could bring to the table.

Take the sting out of long-distance relationships

With the internet becoming a bigger and bigger part of how couples meet one another in the first place, it’s probably not surprising that more people also need a way to cope with long-distance relationships. Remote-controlled sex toys – particularly those that are app-compatible, like Lovense Interactive Sex Toys for Long Distance relationships – can help with this.

Allowing a partner to take control of your experience with a toy through a smartphone app can be a fantastic way to build trust, enhance intimacy, and make spicy Skype sessions even steamier. There are even paired toys on the market these days that can connect to one another, making it possible for long-distance love to become genuinely interactive on an exciting new level.

Make extended time apart easier

You and your partner don’t have to officially be a long-distance couple on paper to benefit from the connectivity of a remote-controlled sex toy. Even couples who live together and share their lives, as a rule, may occasionally have to spend involuntary time apart because of business trips, family emergencies, and similar factors.

This can be especially hard on these couples as they’re not used to the distance and may not have the resources an actual long-distance couple might. But remote-controlled sex toys can help those couples, too – especially if they’ll be separated for a prolonged or indefinite amount of time. And when you’re not using the toys together, you can use them separately to make temporarily going solo more satisfying.

Get more creative anytime and anywhere

The secret to a satisfying sex life for anyone – whether they’re in a relationship or not – is creativity. But people are creatures of habit by nature, and life eventually gets in the way for everyone when it comes to sex. Folks fall back on what they know works, and before they know it, they’re stuck in a sexual rut with no end in sight.

Even a basic remote control can catapult a person out of a sexual rut in an instant. Remotes put options like unusual positions, creative sex play, orgasm denial, roleplaying, dom/sub play, and marathon sex on the table for just about anyone. And they do it in a way that’s accessible and approachable for people of all ages, mobility levels, and experience levels.

So don’t make the mistake of thinking remote controls are completely extraneous features sex toys don’t need in order to be effective. On the contrary, they’re just like those smartphone apps and entertainment remotes you now can’t imagine your life without. By that, we mean they completely change the game and can redefine how you think about sex in the first place. Try it and see for yourself!

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