Tenga Training Tetra Masturbation toy holder cushion

Tenga Training Tetra Masturbation toy holder cushion

Tenga Training Tetra Masturbation toy holder cushion

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£ £299.99 Split it Monthly
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Tenga Training Tetra Masturbation toy holder cushion


pay in interest free monthly instalments: 12 x £25.00

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Total: £299.99

Do you sometimes find during sex that you can’t stay in the position you want? Do you struggle to thrust and move like you would like? Tenga’s Training Tetra is designed to help you move your hips better during sex. The cushion is shaped like the tetrapod concrete blocks commonly used as coastal defenses in Japan.  Insert a masturbator cup or other toy so you have something to hold (like you would a partner’s body during sex). This helps train your body to move better even during self-pleasure sessions, ensuring you are physically attuned and ready for your partner’s body when you are having full sex.

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