group sex etiquette

Group Sex Etiquette 101: How to Behave When Getting It On with Multiple People

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If you’re like many people, the idea of having sex with multiple people at one time is an exciting idea. It’s fun to fantasize about. And while exploring group sex in real life isn’t for everyone, it can be a fantastic way to push your sexual boundaries and explore some new things, too.

But there’s a huge difference between fantasizing about getting down with more than one person at a time and actually doing it. When you’re having real-life group sex, it’s essential to know the group sex etiquette involved to ensure everyone is comfortable and has a good time. Here are some points to keep in mind.

Treat content like a priority

Consent is a must regardless of the kind of sex you’re having. This goes for your partner and yourself, as well as any strangers you might decide to include in your play. If you’re planning on exploring group sex with your partner, it’s crucial to make sure they’re 100 percent on board with it before you go ahead with it – this goes beyond simple group sex etiquette and is just common decency.

The same goes for everyone involved once you’re in the middle of your play. Not sure whether someone is OK with being touched a certain way? Unsure of whether a small group of people being intimate at a sex party have room for one more? Ask and make sure it’s OK first.

Don’t take rejection personally

Rejection isn’t easy for anyone, especially the sexual kind. But if you’re interested in group sex, it’s important to get used to the idea of it and to understand that it’s not personal. Sometimes you’ll ask a partner to try something and they won’t be comfortable. Or you’ll ask to join in on something interesting you see happening at an orgy, and you’ll get a “no thanks” in return.

It’s not a judgment on you, so don’t take it as one. And if you’re uncertain whether someone’s response to a proposition you’ve made is a yes or a no, it’s better to err on the side of caution and assume it’s a no. Don’t be rude if you’re rejected or attempt to push past the person’s objections.

Always practice safe sex

Whenever you’re having sex with someone other than a long-term partner, safe sex should be considered a must. No good time is worth jeopardizing your sexual health or winding up with an unplanned pregnancy to deal with. Plus, protection is part of respecting yourself and your partners.

If you’re going to be playing at someone else’s house or a designated sex party location, they’ll probably have plenty of condoms on hand – usually in big bowls situated different places so that they’re accessible as needed; it’s one of the essentials every great sex room should have. Group sex etiquette is carrying your own with you just in case, though, as it’s always best to be prepared.

Understand how to use toys safely

Sex toys can be incredible ways to take group sex to the next level and let your natural creativity run wild. But you want to be sure to use them safely, especially if you’ll be sharing them with many other people you don’t know.

Condoms can be used on vibrators, dildos, and other toys just as easily as they can on human bodies, so do that. Change the condom out whenever you’ll be using the toy on a new partner. Be sure to do this when switching from anal to vaginal play, as well, to preserve the sexual health of the person being penetrated.

Avoid abandoning your partner

If you’ll be exploring group sex with your partner, you should always treat them as a top priority. Group sex can bring two people even closer together, help them deepen their intimacy, and keep sex exciting, but only if committed people put their relationships first.

That said, always set thorough ground rules and discuss personal boundaries when planning a group encounter with a partner. Have a safe word either of you can say to shut the evening down at any moment if you’re uncomfortable for any reason. Never ignore one another in favor of other people, and avoid abandoning each other at sex parties or clubs.

Respect everyone’s privacy

If attending a sex party or gathering at a club, you’re bound to meet lots of interesting people you may wish you could continue getting to know once the evening’s over. And if the other person is cool with that, there’s nothing wrong with striking up a friendship or exchanging contact information.

But otherwise, understand that many people prefer to compartmentalize this part of their life. Never stalk people you meet at sex events on social media or elsewhere or talk about their actions with other people. Don’t take photos or videos without permission, either.

In other words, simply treat others with the courtesy and discretion you’d want them to show you. Respecting others is always an easy way to avoid going wrong.

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