A Beginner’s Guide to Using a St. Andrew’s Cross: Exploring Safe and Responsible BDSM Play

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The St. Andrew’s Cross, a common piece of equipment in the BDSM community, represents an exciting prospect for many exploring their kinky side. Named after the X-shaped cross where Saint Andrew was said to have been crucified, this cross often takes on a similar shape and is typically padded for comfort, with restraints attached at each end. Its main purpose is to safely and comfortably restrain a person, allowing for various forms of BDSM play. In this article, we’ll explore how to safely use a St. Andrew’s Cross, with a focus on consent, communication, safety, and enjoyment.

A Reminder About Consent and Safety:

Before we delve into the specifics, it’s crucial to stress the importance of consent and safety. BDSM practices should always be consensual, negotiated, and agreed upon by all parties involved. Boundaries should be clearly defined, safe words decided, and aftercare planned in advance. Remember, BDSM is about exploring fantasies in a safe, sane, and consensual manner. It’s also important to remember that either party can stop the play at any time for any reason.


  1. Check Equipment: Before you begin, check the cross for any damage or loose parts. This will ensure it’s secure and safe to use. Make sure the restraints are in good condition and properly secured to the cross.
  2. Comfort Measures: Consider placing padding or soft fabric where the person’s body will be against the cross to prevent discomfort or injury. Ensure restraints are comfortable and won’t cause circulation issues.
  3. Gathering Necessary Items: Collect all of the props or toys you’ll be using during the session and place them within reach. This might include floggers, paddles, ticklers, or any other items you’ve agreed upon.

Using the St. Andrew’s Cross:

  1. Positioning: The person being restrained (the submissive) stands facing the cross with their arms and legs spread out in an ‘X’ shape. Their wrists and ankles are then fastened to the cross with the restraints.
  2. Check-in: Regularly check with the submissive to make sure they’re comfortable. Make sure the restraints aren’t too tight and that they can breathe comfortably. It’s recommended to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your play.
  3. Play: From here, the dominant partner can engage in a variety of BDSM activities, as agreed upon by both partners beforehand. This could include sensation play, impact play, or even psychological play.
  4. Communication: Keep open lines of communication throughout the scene. Use your established safe words if needed, and frequently ask for feedback. This helps ensure that everything remains within the agreed boundaries and levels of comfort.
  5. Release: When the scene is over, carefully release the submissive from the restraints. Remember, moving might be a bit difficult immediately after release, so offer support as needed.
  6. Aftercare: After the scene, engage in proper aftercare. This can involve comfort, hydration, discussing the scene, and addressing any emotional or physical needs that have arisen.


A St. Andrew’s Cross can be an exciting addition to your BDSM play. It allows for a wide range of activities and can help create an intense atmosphere. However, as with any BDSM practice, it should be used responsibly and consensually, with a strong emphasis on safety and communication. Whether you’re new to the BDSM scene or a seasoned participant, there’s always something new to learn and explore. Always prioritize mutual understanding, respect, and care in your adventurous journey.

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