coronavirus sex doll

Coronavirus and sex dolls

About Cloud Climax

Cloud Climax is a luxury online adult store, in the sex doll industry since 2013. We are known for sharing our extensive Knowledge and Expertise with our followers and customers and have been nominated for adult industry awards including the XBIZ Best Doll Manufacturer 2020.

We’ve had some people ask us about coronavirus and sex dolls and whether they should be concerned about transmission from their products arriving from China.

Our short answer is, no, you don’t need to be scared of catching coronavirus from a sex doll imported from China.

About coronavirus and how it spreads

  • Coronavirus is a respiratory virus that has been affecting people in the Wuhan province of China.
  • It is spread through person to person contact when droplets in the breath of an infected person are exhaled through a cough or a sneeze
  • You have to spend time with an infected person to catch coronavirus
  • Another way that it can be transmitted is if infected droplets land on surfaces and someone touches that surface and then touches their face or food

How to protect yourself from coronavirus if you are in the UK

It is highly unlikely that you would catch coronavirus except by coming into contact with someone who already has it. 

The Government are using quarantine to manage people coming to the UK from China or other places where an outbreak has been identified and so it is very unlikely that you would come into contact with anyone that is infectious.

The best way to protect yourself from all viral infections is to practice good hygiene. 

  • Wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, as well as after using the bathroom, before preparing or eating food, after playing with a pet, after visiting or caring for a sick person and after doing any dirty jobs like gardening.
  • Cover a cough. When you need to cough or sneeze use a tissue and dispose of it immediately, or cover your mouth with your elbow sleeve. Do not cough or sneeze into your hands.
  • Don’t share dishes, glasses, cutlery or drinks bottles
  • Avoid contact with napkins, tissues and handkerchiefs that other people have used

Coronavirus and sex dolls

It is highly unlikely that a sex doll imported from China would carry the coronavirus as the virus cannot live on an inanimate surface for the amount of time the doll takes to ship and arrive in the UK.

The production process of each sex doll creates a sterile product. At the end of production, each doll is sprayed at temperatures between 120 and 150 degrees with a disinfectant to clean the doll and remove any impurities. The doll is then plastic bag sealed before packing.

Once packed the box will ship and any surface bacteria on boxes would not survive the shipping duration.

All packages imported from overseas go through sanitised checks when they arrive in the UK.

At present, the UK Government have not enforced any additional checks with regard to coronavirus which suggests that they view importing goods from China as safe.

If you’d like to understand more about our shipping process, please read our sex doll shipping policy.

What to do when your sex doll arrives if you are worried about coronavirus

While it is extremely unlikely that a sex doll would be able to transmit coronavirus if you would like added reassurance we recommend the following when your sex doll arrives

  1. Wash your hands before you unpack your doll and assemble her
  2. Wipe down the surface of your doll with  disinfectant wipes that contain alcohol 
  3. Wash your hands after you have finished wiping down your doll

Good hygiene practices with your sex doll

As inanimate objects sex dolls cannot transmit viral infections, however poor hygiene practices can produce bacterial growth which can be harmful.

Practising good hygiene with your sex doll will help keep you safe from bacterial infections and maintain your doll for longer.

How to prevent bacterial infections from your sex doll

Bacteria loves to breed on dirty, damp surfaces so make sure your doll is clean and dry after use.

  • When penetrating your doll use a condom or female condom to make it easier to clean up and make the area less prone to bacteria growth
  • Use antibacterial soap to wash down your doll
  • Use a douche to rinse out the vagina, mouth and anal channels of your doll
  • Small, natural sponges are useful for cleaning out orifices
  • Make sure all creases are dry and any holes or channels are also dry inside
  • Pat down your doll to remove most of the moisture on her and then allow her to air dry
  • A dusting of baby powder on your doll after drying her will ensure that no moisture is left behind
  • Practice good bodily hygiene for yourself

We believe that there is no risk of catching coronavirus from your sex doll, practise good personal and sex doll hygiene and you and your doll can have a long and fulfilling relationship.

If you have further questions please email us at [email protected]

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